First Aid Courses

Would you know what to do if your child or grandchild had an accident whilst in your care?


Tailormade First Aid and Epipen training courses for parents, carers or anyone who feels they need some extra help with how to deal with accidents, can be arranged for small or large groups in your own home or playgroups.

Emergency First Aid at Work (with Paediatric element)

This HSE approved course is designed for any members of staff working with Adults and Children and can be adapted to suit any audience and is ideal for any low risk business environment.

It will give candidates knowledge of the following areas:

  • Adult & Junior Resuscitation
  • Recovery Position
  • Burns & Scalds
  • Shock
  • Bleeding/Bandaging
  • Injuries bones, muscles & joints
  • Heart attack
  • Choking
  • Asthma
  • Diabetes
  • Epilepsy
  • Anaphylaxis

3 Day First Aid at Work – This course will give candidates the ability and knowledge to deal with first aid emergencies and meets the standards required to comply with Health and Safety (First aid) regulations by providing them with the skills and confidence needed to administer first aid in the workplace.

2 Day Refresher Course – This course is for candidates who have previously completed the 3 day First Aid at Work course to update their skills and knowledge.

Half Day First Aid Awareness Course – TBC

Emergency First Aid at Work Course (with Paediatric Element) – This course is designed for people who require training in emergency first aid and is suitable for first aiders in smaller, low risk working environments.

12 Hour Paediatric First Aid Course – This course is designed for people working in early years settings and meets Ofsted requirements.

Pupils First Aid Awareness Workshop – Lifesaving first aid is set to be included in the national school curriculum after years of campaigning. The government’s proposals to teach first aid skills and CPR training – as part of compulsory health education in all schools in England from 2020 – could save thousands of lives. Our course is specifically designed for school pupils, and is tailored to suit the age of the pupils being taught from Foundation Stage through to A Level Students and provides them with life-skills and knowledge to keep themselves safe whilst assisting others with medical emergencies.

Anaphylaxis Awareness Training – Anaphylaxis affects 1 in 3 people in the UK, this 2 hour awareness course is designed to give staff the knowledge and confidence to understand the causes of Anaphylaxis, recognise its’ signs and symptoms and confidently assist with the administration of medication in the event of an emergency.

Defibrillator Training – This course is designed to give staff the knowledge and confidence to use an AED (automated external defibrillator). No previous first aid knowledge is required to attend this course.

Epilepsy Awareness Training – Epilepsy is a condition which causes seizures and affects around 600,000 people in the UK. This 2 hour awareness
course is designed to give staff the knowledge and confidence to understand the causes of Epilepsy, recognise its’ signs and symptoms and confidently assist someone suffering from a seizure.

Asthma Awareness Training – Asthma is a common lung condition that causes breathing difficulties and affects around 5 million people in the UK. This 2 hour awareness course is designed to give staff the knowledge and confidence to understand the causes of Asthma, recognise its’ signs and symptoms and confidently assist with the administration of medication in the event of an emergency.

Basic First Aid – This half day course has been designed for establishments with qualified first aiders already in place, to be able to deal effectively with an emergency until qualified help arrives. This course can also cover Paediatric elements where required.

Water Safety Workshop – Over 700 people die from drowning every year in the UK.  Delivered by ASA qualified tutors, this 2 hour workshop is designed to provide children with the awareness of dangers in and around water and to give them the knowledge and confidence to effectively and safely assist with rescuing people in danger in water.  Also covers basic life support to allow ongoing assistance before qualified help arrives.

Workshop Content

Discuss why

  • First Aid is important
  • Why you must think of your own safety before rushing to help a casualty
  • Why you should get adult help as soon as possible
  • Why you should get medical help quickly and how you would do it

Show how you would

  • Check whether a casualty is conscious or not
  • Open an airway and check for normal breathing
  • Put a casualty into the recovery position and know when and why you would do this
  • Administer chest compressions

Discuss how you would recognise and what you can do to help

  • A casualty that is suffering from heart problems
  • A casualty that is suffering from a stroke
  • A casualty who is choking

This workshop last for 2 hours and can be run during school time or as an after school activity.

This course complies with the statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage and meets the requirements of Ofsted. It is suitable for childminders, nursery staff and schools.

Group bookings for First Aid can be arranged at your convenience.

Following these courses certificates will be issued to successful candidates.

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